Firebarns Recipes

Discover Firebarns recipes by Frank Ménard, perfect for enjoying Firebarns products at home.

le big barns sauce burger

The Big Barns

Inspired by the well-known burger, the Big Barns allows our Burger Sauce to express its unique flavor profile. Made with ground beef enhanced with our Montreal seasonings, sesame burger buns, orange cheese, lettuce, onion and pickles, this burger is sure to please the whole family!

April 03, 2024
big barns smashburger tacos


Rediscover this famous burger in a smashburger format served as a taco prepared with our Burger Sauce, which goes perfectly with this recipe. Pickles, iceberg lettuce, orange cheese and finely chopped white onion will remind you of this fast-food classic.
June 14, 2023