le big barns sauce burger
20 minutes • 2 burgers

The Big Barns

Inspired by the well-known burger, the Big Barns allows our Burger Sauce to truly showcase its unique flavor profile. Prepared with ground beef enhanced with our Montreal spices, burger buns with sesame, orange cheese, lettuce, onion and pickles, this burger will please the whole family.


  • 300 g ground beef
  • 2 tbsp. tbsp Montreal steak spice
  • 1 C. tablespoon of butter
  • 4 burger buns with sesame
  • 2 slices of orange cheese
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped iceberg lettuce
  • 1/2 white onion finely chopped
  • 6 slices of pickles
  • 2 tbsp. tbsp Burger Sauce


  1. Separate the beef into 4 parts and shape into balls of approximately 75 g.
  2. In a pan over high heat, melt the butter and add the meatballs, cook for 2 to 3 minutes and crush the meatballs well with a spatula.
  3. Sprinkle the meatballs with the Montreal spices and turn. Remove the meatballs when they are nicely browned on each side.
  4. Toast the breads (2 wholemeal loaves + 2 bottoms)
  5. Assemble the burgers in this order, bottom of bun, burger sauce, lettuce, onion, pickles, cheese, meatball, bottom of bun, lettuce, onion, pickles, meatball and finish with the top of the bun.

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