45 minutes • 4 cheeseburgers


The famous question “Would you like a hot dog or a hamburger?” will never be a headache for you again. The Cheeseburdog is the joyful combination of its two BBQ classics.


  • 4 jumbo hot dog sausages
  • 4 brioche hotdog buns
  • 250g ground beef
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoon of butter
  • 2 tbsp. tbsp BBQ Steak Sauce
  • 1 finely chopped onion
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 slices of cooked bacon
  • 4 slices of sliced ​​cheese
  • Sliced ​​pickles
  • Tomato Ketchup and Firebarns Baseball Mustard


  1. In a pan over high heat, brown the onion with a little butter. Then add the ground beef and continue cooking until nicely browned. Reduce the heat and add the steak sauce, simmer for a few minutes and set aside.
  2. On the BBQ, cook the sausages until nicely browned. Place the sausages on a cookie sheet and make an incision in the center to open them in two without cutting them completely. Add the sliced ​​cheese to the center of the sausage followed by the minced meat filling. Return to the BBQ until the cheese iswell melted.
  3. Spread the brioche buns with butter and grill on the BBQ. Add the sausage and bacon to the bread, garnish with raw onions, pickles and drizzles of Ketchup and Mustard.
  4. Serve with old fashioned potato chips (spicy pickles recommended).

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