big barns smashburger tacos
20 minutes • 4 tacos


Rediscover this famous burger in smashburger format served as a taco prepared with our Burger Sauce which goes perfectly with this recipe. Served with pickles, iceberg lettuce, orange cheese and finely chopped white onion that will remind you of this fast food classic. Big Barns Smashburger Tacos will take you right back to your childhood and will please the whole family by being ready in just 20 minutes!


  • 4 small wheat tortillas
  • 500 g ground beef
  • 2 tbsp. tbsp Montreal steak spice
  • 1/2 white onion finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped iceberg lettuce
  • 4 slices of orange cheese
  • Pickles to taste
  • Firebarns Burger Sauce to taste
  • Olive oil for cooking


  1. On the BBQ or on the stove, preheat the cast iron pan.
  2. Form 4 small compact balls of ground beef, place in the center of the tortilla and sprinkle with Montreal steak spices.
  3. Using a press or a small cast iron skillet, flatten and maintain pressure on the tortillas. Cook for about 5 minutes or until the meat is cooked through.
  4. Flip the tortillas, add the orange cheese and cover to let the cheese melt for 2 to 3 minutes.
  5. Serve with onions, lettuce, pickles and Burger sauce. Fold in 2 and eat like regular tacos.

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