papardelles boeuf braisé burrata
4 hours 15 minutes • 2-3 servings


A perfect pasta recipe for fall that is upon us prepared with red wine braised beef enhanced with our Bloody Caesar spices, our Original hot sauce and Normandin spicy oil. Served with burrata on top, this decadent recipe is perfect for the season. Allow 4 hours to cook the braised beef.


  • 250 g cooked and drained egg papardelle
  • 1 kg of chuck roast
  • 1 finely chopped onion
  • 1 C. finely chopped garlic
  • 50 g Bloody Caesar spices
  • 2 cups of red wine
  • 2 cup of water
  • 4 to 5 drops of Original hot sauce
  • 1 burrata
  • 150 g bacon cooked and cut into small cubes
  • 50mlNormandin spicy oil
  • 50 g grated parmesan
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Brush the piece of beef with olive oil on both sides and sprinkle generously with Bloody Caesar spices.
  2. In a large ovenproof pan, sear the piece of meat on all sides with a drizzle of olive oil.
  3. Remove the piece of meat and add the onion and garlic to the pan. Deglaze with wine and add water and Original hot sauce. Return the piece to the pan, cover and place in the oven at 300°F for about 4 hours or until the beef shreds easily.
  4. Remove the beef from the pan, return the pan to high heat and reduce by half.
  5. Return the beef to the pan, shred, mix well with the sauce and set aside.
  6. In a pan over medium-high heat, add a drizzle of olive oil, about 125 g of papardelle, 200 g of beef with the sauce, 2 to 3 tbsp. tablespoon of bacon.
  7. Serve on a plate, add half of the burrata on top. Pour in a drizzle of Normandin spicy olive oil, a pinch of parmesan, Bloody Caesar spices and finely chopped parsley.